Indonesian military bombs West Papuan villages
Nearly a thousand West Papuan crossed into Papua New Guinea due to armed conflict between West Papuan National Liberation Army (TPNPB) and Indonesian Forces in Kiwirok, West Papua recently. Indonesian forces dropped many explosive bombs, destroyed civilians’ lifestyle, those externally displaced people have carried unexploded bombs as they described in the video. United Nations Security Council Intervention and International Humanitarian Organization are core demand to bring lasting peace for West Papuan people.
West Papuan Externally Displaced People 2021 – YouTube
Nearly a thousand West Papuan crossed into Papua New Guinea due to armed conflict between West Papuan National Liberation Army (TPNPB) and Indonesian Forces in Kiwirok, West Papua recently. Indonesian…
Indonesian terrorist state would not be allow Papuan to self determination unless international attention.
Sure, there is need a urgent global community attention!!!