
I. UN Security Council Intervention

The war for liberation is now in its sixth decade. A humanitarian crisis is ongoing with the death of an estimated one million West Papuans since the take-over by Indonesia in 1963. Legal scholars and academics describe the conditions as meeting the definition of Genocide under the United Nations Genocide Convention. Reports by the United Nations describe the atrocities as Crimes Against Humanity.

The Free Papua Movement has launched a campaign for United Nations intervention writing to the UN Secretary-General requesting this international conflict be addressed by the UN Security Council as available under Article 99 of the UN Charter. This would allow the Security Council to have West Papua’s legal status determined by the International Court of Justice. Please see our 27 February 2023 press release for details.

II. ICJ (Legal Pathway)

As available under Article 99 of the Charter of the United Nations, the Secretary-General has the authority to bring the ongoing war in West Papua to the attention of the United Nations Security Council which, as available under Article 96, provides the opportunity to have the legal status of West Papua determined by the International Court of Justice.

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